Which? Says Yes!

'Yes. The difference between a good and a bad hearing aid is not usually the aid itself, since most hearing aids are made by just a handful of manufacturers. The standard of professional fitting and service given by the provider actually matter more. It can take time to fit and adjust a hearing aid correctly so that it's working to maximise your hearing. Without a careful and attentive fitting service, you could get frustrated and give up on your aid, consigning it to the back of a drawer forever. Most hearing-aid users wear an aid every day (78%), with another 11% wearing them two to five times a week. The hearing-aid retailers were rated quite differently on the aftercare offered. This is an often forgotten but vitally important part of the buying process. Retailers were rated between two stars (poor) and five stars (excellent) for their aftercare.'
Here at Somerset Hearing we provide 5 year aftercare packages that include 5 year warranty's which has an option for breakdown cover, so for whatever reason if you hearing aid requires a service or repair with the manufacture we will lend you a pair to make sure you are not without your hearing.

Which also says
'Nearly one in five (16%) of private hearing aid customers felt under some pressure to buy from that retailer, and one in seven (13%) to select a more expensive option that was recommended, but this varied considerably between providers. For example, just under a third (29%) of one retailer's customers felt under some pressure to buy from that retailer, whereas a much lower one in 10 (11%) did from another. Although we have seen greater reports of pressure selling in some other markets such as stairlifts, it is important that customers don't feel under pressure and can make considered choices for such important products.'
We at Somerset Hearing have made sure to create a no pressure process that gives people the option to try and test drive the latest technology before deciding whether this is a suitable solution for them, no money exchanges hands until we are happy that this is the right solution for you.
Treating hearing loss is individual, it is not just hearing test and turn them on. Sound is incredibly subjective, our lifestyles vary and our goals are different. Throughout out our detailed process we work together on what is professionally recommended and set our goals over the coming weeks, months and years so we are making the technology work optionally for you.
We are completely independent and have no affiliation with any hearing aid manufacture, and we have access to all premium technology on the market, this gives us a wide variety of what we can offer people.
Read more: https://www.which.co.uk/reviews/hearing-aid-providers/article/best-hearing-aid-providers/best-hearing-aid-providers-overview-a0bwU2e7Kzyu - Which?