At Somerset Hearing, we provide comprehensive full diagnostic testing for our clients. We use state of the art equipment and we provide a full report and guide to what we suggest would suit to help you with difficult scenarios, better yet you can try this before purchasing.
After every hearing test, if you have a loss we offer a free 'try before you buy' concept. We understand sound is subjective and no Hearing Loss is the same, there is no Hearing Aid that fits all. Somerset Hearing is completely independent and has the choice to work with all Hearing Aid manufactures, Phonak, Oticon, Starkey, GN Resound, Widex, Bernafon, Unitron & Signia. This is unique as most high street hearing aid retailers only provide a select few hearing aids.

Tests to make sure you have when buying Hearing Aids;
Real Ear Measurements - we routinely use a Real Ear Measurement testing for every Hearing Aid fitting, this is important as it gives the audiologist the information on how sound is working for the individual, without this test it's a guessing game. If you are purchasing Hearing Aids from a provider please make sure to ask if they provide this test as it's a standard in the NHS, however not in the private Hearing Aid market but the science said it should be.
Speech testing - Speech testing in noise provides an estimate of signal-to-noise ratio. A list of six sentences with five key words per sentence is presented in four-talker babble noise. The sentences are presented at pre-recorded SNR ratios which decrease in 5-dB steps from 25 (very easy) to 0 (very difficult). These SNR ratios range from normal to severely impaired performance in noise. This gives the audiologist more information about what solution would be most suitable for you.
Try Before you Buy - Somerset Hearing is proud to trial a Hearing Aid after your hearing test in our Taunton clinic. Once we have covered your patient history, a full diagnostic hearing test we can then discuss potential next steps if you wish to try a Hearing Aid before committing to a purchase. We fit the Hearing Aids, and ask for you to keep them for a week testing them in all scenarios in a typical week for you and keep a diary of how things have improved, or not improved in some environments then we can make adjustment accordingly on a follow up.
Real Ear Measurements ref by Dr Cliff -
Book an Appointment with us
Call - 01823 475113
Somerset Hearing
12-14 The Exchange House
The Crescent